ubet95|Across China: U.S. teens explore Chinese culture on an exchange program

super super 2024-06-23 Transportation View: 24
摘要: NANJINGubet95, June 22 (Xinhua) -- American student Miles Garber has learned Mandarin for over ten years. This month he had a chance to...

NANJINGubet95, June 22 (Xinhua) -- American student Miles Garber has learned Mandarin for over ten years. This month he had a chance to visit the country which he has read so much about.

Garber, from Mountain Ridge High School in the U.S. state of Utah, came with his schoolmates as part of a China-U.S. youth exchange program, which aims to bridge the gap between young people from both countries.

They were among over 400 American teachers and students who visited east China's Jiangsu Province from June 9. A total of 12 delegations participated in a series of activities in 13 cities across the province.

For 11 years, Garber has learned Chinese language, history and culture. "While on the trip, I can tell my classmates that I have some knowledge of China. It's so cool," he said. In the interview with Xinhua, he spoke both in English and Mandarin.

A major surprise for him was learning how to transplant rice seedlings in the city of Changzhou. "We learned in a field with our feet in the mud," Garber said, adding that it was interesting to know the procedure of cultivating rice, which brought him back to the textbook images of Chinese farmers.

They also visited some high schools and chatted with their Chinese peers. "I was really amazed at how well some Chinese students spoke English," Garber said. They both took the opportunity to practice their second language. "It was really fun. I tried to respond in Chinese and they asked in English."

Kyle Caro from Saint Mark's High School in Delaware said they have visited four different schools, each with unique histories of their own.

During the activity sessions, they had Tai Chi class, and learned how to use chopsticks. "We've had the pleasure of meeting amazing students and teachers of each school, which helped us better understand what a school in China looks like," he said.

Caro and other students also went to some scenic attractions such as the China Grand Canal Museum and the Slender West Lake in the picturesque city of Yangzhou. "At each and every stop along this trip, I can confidently say that we were able to take valuable life lessons away from each activity," he told Xinhua.

American teacher Matthew Tossman said that they felt privileged to have the chance to immerse themselves in the "rich history and vibrant culture" of the province. In just a few days, they've "explored beautiful locations, visited impressive schools, eaten delicious food and been warmly welcomed by many people along the way," he said.

"This trip has indeed been fabulous, but it has also been profoundly important," said Tossman. He noted that students from both countries have shared stories, experiences and traditions, creating bonds that can transcend borders.

Garber thought that he had a great time talking and sharing cultural immersion with his Chinese buddies. "I kept telling my friends that I hope to return here in the future," Garber said excitedly.

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