omenblack3| The strongest tablet in Apple history! The first batch of new iPad Pro is ready to ship: starting from 8999 yuan

editor editor 2024-05-13 Transportation View: 14
摘要: Fast science and technology news on May 13Omenblack3Last week, Apple releasedOmenblack3The strongest new iPad Pro in history, the first...

Fast science and technology news on May 13Omenblack3Last week, Apple releasedOmenblack3The strongest new iPad Pro in history, the first self-developed M4 chip, priced from 8999 yuan.

According to user feedback, the first batch of orders are now ready for delivery and will be delivered to the first batch of users on the same day of sale on May 15.

omenblack3| The strongest tablet in Apple history! The first batch of new iPad Pro is ready to ship: starting from 8999 yuan

As a new Apple blockbuster product, the new generation of iPad Pro launches Apple's self-developed M4 chip, increasing CPU performance by 35% and improving GPU performance by 50%.

With the blessing of M4, the speed of the new iPad Pro is up to 4 times faster than that of the previous M2 model, and up to 10 times faster than the original model, making it Apple's most powerful iPad so far.

It should be noted that Apple is still skilled, the 256GB/512GB version of the M4 chip is the "residual blood" version, using 9-core CPU (3 performance core + 6 energy core), missing a large core.

1TB, 2TB version is full of blood M4 chip, with 10 core CPU (4 performance core + 6 energy efficiency core), the official website price is 14099 yuan and 17499 yuan respectively.

However, the day after the release of the new iPad Pro, pinduoduo had already sold the 10 billion subsidy, reducing the price of the whole department by at least 1000 yuan.

The details are as follows:

11 in.

The 256GB to hand price is 7999 yuan, the official website price is 8999 yuan, and the price is reduced by 1000 yuan.

The 512GB to hand price is 9599 yuan, the official website price is 10699 yuan, and the price is reduced by 1100 yuan.

13 in.

The 256GB to hand price is 10299 yuan, the official website price is 11499 yuan, and the price is reduced by 1200 yuan.

The 512GB to hand price is 11999 yuan, the official website price is 13199 yuan, and the price is reduced by 1200 yuan.

[end of this article] if you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: fast technology.

Responsible Editor: Jian Jia

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