starpoker| New policy for the property market! Does the market bottom out and rebound?

editor editor 2024-05-09 Transportation View: 17
摘要: Yesterday's market 1StarpokerAfter the .1 trillion volume rose, the market took a break today. There was a correction in the morning, b...

Yesterday's market 1StarpokerAfter the .1 trillion volume rose, the market took a break today. There was a correction in the morning, but it was not out of order. It began to stabilize and recover in the afternoon, and stocks and stocks turned red obviously. As of 2:30, the Wande whole An index had edged up about 0.4 per cent. A relatively good sign is that St stocks continue to fall by the limit on a large scale, while the so-called core assets, that is, value leading stocks, are still rising on a large scale. Although the overall increase is small today, it is still a relatively high probability that it will still be a main line in the near future. The reason is not complicated, that is, a series of recent policies have begun to fall to the ground, especially real estate.

Today's news is that Shenzhen has indeed issued a new policy on the property market, greatly relaxing the threshold for house purchase, with the exception of individual areas, non-local household registration is basically as little as one year of social security to buy a house, up from three years ago. Next, there will be a wave of intensive relaxation everywhere. Are these policies really useful?Starpoker? I don't know yet. But now the stock market is looking at expectations. For short-term funds, the actual effect of the policy must be taken into account, but if it is a long-term allocation of funds, it is the direction. Even if this wave of relaxation does not work, there is bound to be the next wave, toothpaste will always squeeze to the end, and will always bottom out and pick up eventually.

starpoker| New policy for the property market! Does the market bottom out and rebound?

In addition, from the perspective of consumption, it is indeed recovering, but the range is not very obvious. For example, the per capita spending on the May Day holiday this year is 565.73 yuan, up from 540.35 yuan in the same period last year, but still lower than the level before the epidemic in 2019, when it was 603.44 yuan. In fact, it is not domestic capital, but foreign capital that is more confident in the expectation of domestic economic recovery. For example, the recent rise in Hong Kong stocks is obviously driven by foreign capital. For example, during the May Day holiday, southward funds took a rest, but Hong Kong stocks soared one after another. The rise in A-shares is also similar, and the driving effect of foreign investment is obvious this time. However, the actions of foreign investors will certainly affect the mentality of domestic investors. So I wouldn't be surprised if more and more institutions begin to speak out, saying that they are seeing a trend of domestic recovery.

Of course, the historic meeting of the July meeting will also be a major catalyst. Before that, it is expected that the high probability will be raised. In addition to the main line of core assets, the recent hot money theme speculation will certainly be very active, especially for the small-cap stocks that have escaped and have not been ST, as long as you grasp the theme, you can rest assured to speculate. For example, the hot synthetic biology and low-altitude economy in the past two days look very attractive, but there are also many knives and axes, so pay more attention. By the way, recently I have seen a lot of people say that they have started to return money one after another, really? You already got your money back? Reference note: the percentile of valuation uses red, orange and green to indicate high valuation, medium valuation and low valuation. The reference data are all the historical data since the release of the index, some for more than ten years, and some for only a few years.

Plate name automotive chip, artificial intelligence, photovoltaic construction integration, CSI 500 key words St shares, core assets, real estate bullish bearish (bullish) policy towards landing, what is the effect of foreign investment, investors have begun to return to the capital? Hexun self-selected Stock Writer risk Tip: the above content is only the views of the author or guest, does not represent any position of Hexun, and does not constitute any investment advice related to Hexun. Before making any investment decision, investors should consider the risk factors related to investment products according to their own circumstances and consult professional investment advisers if necessary. Hexun tries its best but cannot confirm the authenticity, accuracy and originality of the above content, and Hexun does not make any guarantee or commitment.
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