videopokerwhattohold| "May Day" is crowded, and popular movies are suddenly withdrawn! No one has seen Yang Mi's new film? Industry: Her box office appeal is too weak

editor editor 2024-05-02 Transportation View: 16
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videopokerwhattohold| "May Day" is crowded, and popular movies are suddenly withdrawn! No one has seen Yang Mi's new film? Industry: Her box office appeal is too weak















The reporter sorted out and found that there are still a number of listed companies emerging behind the May 1st film. Among them, Wanda Film (SZ002739, 14.63 yuan, market value 31.884 billion yuan) participated in "peacekeeping and Anti-riot team"Journey through the Moon", Chinese Film (SH600977, 11.9 yuan, market capitalization 22.217 billion yuan) participated in "desperate spending" and "Journey through the Moon", Hengdian Film and Television (SH603103, 16.38 yuan, market capitalization 10.388 billion yuan) participated in "the siege of Kowloon City", and SZ300426 Film and Television (SZ300426) The stock price is 8.73yuan, the market value is 3.534 billion yuan), SZ300291 (the stock price is 5.53yuan, the market value is 5.209 billion yuan) participated in "nothing that can't be solved by hot pot" and so on.

"there is nothing that can't be solved by a hot pot", which is more popular because Yang Mi starred, is the May 1 film with the most leading producers. Cat's Eye Professional Edition shows that "there is no problem that can not be solved by hot pot," the main products are as high as 16. But judging from the box office on May 1, the film's box office is relatively low.

A few days ago, an anonymous practitioner told reporters: "although Yang Mi herself is very hot, but she left the big screen for several years ⋯⋯led to the box office appeal is too weak."

Although there is a lack of blockbusters in May 1 this year, the demand for cinema is still strong, and the listed companies behind the film are still the focus of institutional attention. Yinhe Securities Research News believes that the inventory of domestic film manufacturers before the COVID-19 epidemic has been gradually cleared, the production and release of new films have progressed steadily, the willingness of superimposed audiences to watch movies has gradually increased, and both sides of supply and demand have made joint efforts. Institutions are optimistic about the market performance of the film market in the following year.

Reporter | Bi Yuanyuan

Editor | Duan Lianwen Duoduo

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