cryptoroguegames| Everbright Futures 0510 View: Shanghai Bank soared more than 4%, focusing on next week's inflation data

editor editor 2024-05-10 Sports View: 17
摘要: WaitCryptoroguegamesHey, what happened?Silver has soared?On Friday, the Shanghai Bank's main contract 2406 rose more than 4%, and...

cryptoroguegames| Everbright Futures 0510 View: Shanghai Bank soared more than 4%, focusing on next week's inflation data

WaitCryptoroguegamesHey, what happened?

Silver has soared?

On Friday, the Shanghai Bank's main contract 2406 rose more than 4%, and the price rose above the 20-day moving average.

In terms of economic data, the data on the number of initial claims for unemployment benefits in the United States in the week to May 4 was 23.Cryptoroguegames.10, 000, far higher than expected and the highest since the week of August 26, 2023. Combined with the weak non-farm report released last week, the current US job market may gradually weaken, and the US economy may return to weakness. In addition, Mr Daley said the Fed would consider cutting interest rates if the job market worsened. Boosted by this statement, the market is expected to cut interest rates.

With regard to the geopolitical conflict, Yemeni Houthi armed personnel said that in response to the "Israeli aggression against Rafah", the Houthi armed forces may expand their targets and target any ships related to companies that supply or transport goods to Israel. Israel said that the cease-fire talks in the Gaza Strip in Egypt broke down, the Israeli army will "attack" Rafah, the Middle East geopolitical risk is rising again, risk aversion is on the rise.

On the whole, the US job market is declining again, officials are partial to the dove position, geo-risk is rising again, and the Shanghai Bank may strengthen in the short term, paying attention to the landing of CPI data next week.

Source: Wind, Everbright Futures Research Institute

Written by Shi Shiming

Qualification: F03097365

Investment consulting qualification: Z0017563

Disclaimer: the information in this report is derived from public materials, and we do not guarantee the accuracy, reliability and completeness of such information, nor do we guarantee that the information and recommendations contained will not be changed. We have strived to be objective and impartial in the content of the report, but the views, conclusions and suggestions in this article are for reference only and do not constitute the introduction of any specific products or business and the operational basis and suggestions of related varieties. Any investment decisions made by investors on this basis are responsible for their own profits and losses and have nothing to do with the company and the author.

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