onlinecasinotablegames| Xing Shuaier (002860.SZ): Lou Yongwei plans to split 1.75% of the shares into Qian Ling

editor editor 2024-05-08 Sports View: 16
摘要: Gelonghui May 8 丨 Xing Shuaier (002860onlinecasinotablegames.SZ) announcedonlinecasinotablegamesAccording to the "Notary Certificate" a...

Gelonghui May 8 丨 Xing Shuaier (002860onlinecasinotablegames.SZ) announcedonlinecasinotablegamesAccording to the "Notary Certificate" and the "Divorce Agreement" signed by Mr. Lou Yongwei and Ms. Qian Ling, Mr. Lou Yongwei intends to transfer the 5onlinecasinotablegames,376,168 shares (accounting for 1.75% of the company's total share capital) were divided into Ms. Qian Ling. After this share change, Mr. Lou Yongwei holds 1,792,056 shares of the company, accounting for 0.59% of the company's total share capital.onlinecasinotablegames; Ms. Qian Ling holds 5,376,168 shares of the company, accounting for 1.75% of the company's total share capital.

onlinecasinotablegames| Xing Shuaier (002860.SZ): Lou Yongwei plans to split 1.75% of the shares into Qian Ling

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