pinball| Two insurance companies rank among the top ten shareholders of banks!

editor editor 2024-05-04 Sports View: 20
摘要: 去年底以来,随着投资者风险偏好不断下行,高股息策略受到投资者青睐。近日,随着上市公司披露一季报,保险公司重仓股情况得以一窥究竟。券商中国记者梳理Wind数据获悉,一季度险资重仓股投资调仓明显,但银行股等业绩稳定且分红率较好pinball的股票依然是险资配置重点。两险企跻...













pinball| Two insurance companies rank among the top ten shareholders of banks!











China Pacific Insurance stated that the company insists on maintaining basic stability in the allocation of major categories of assets based on the characteristics of its liabilities, and insists on actively allocating long-term fixed-income assets under the guidance of strategic asset allocation, extending asset duration, and flexibly allocating tactical assets. The company continues to allocate equity investment varieties with low valuation, high dividends, and good long-term profit prospects, steadily promotes innovative allocation models and investment strategies, and actively responds to the low interest rate market environment.

In an interview with the media not long ago, Fu Fan, Chairman of China Pacific Insurance (601601), said when talking about the company's investment strategy that the company will pay close attention to policy trends and market changes, and strengthen investment research and judgment and risk management and control; On the basis of adhering to a long-term and effective dividend value strategy, we will strengthen the style and moderately diversified management mechanism to maintain a desirable asset portfolio with tolerable volatility, and combine the rational application of new accounting standards to promote the return on equity investment to achieve the predetermined income goal of strategic asset allocation.

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