spinpugcasino| Huina Technology's 2023 revenue of 376 million yuan, Chairman Zhang Baijun's salary is 981,500 yuan

editor editor 2024-04-27 Sports View: 33
摘要: On April 27th, Huina Technology (300609) (300609) recently released its annual report for 2023, with an operating income of 376249837 d...

On April 27th, Huina Technology (300609) (300609) recently released its annual report for 2023, with an operating income of 376249837 during the reporting period.Spinpugcasino.53 yuan, up 4.19% from the same period last year; belonging to shareholders of listed companiesSpinpugcasinoThe net profit was-34027624.65 yuan, which was lower than the loss in the same period last year.

The net cash flow generated by operating activities during the reporting period was 56761295.62 yuan, and the net assets belonging to shareholders of listed companies were 1088538072.99 yuan.

During the reporting period, although the company took active measures to reduce costs and increase efficiency, such as business development and management optimization, the operating income was 376249837.53 yuan, an increase of 4.19% over the same period last year, the comprehensive gross profit margin increased by 5.44%, and the business operation improved. However, during the reporting period, it was confirmed that the share payment fee was 10.9899 million yuan, and the amount of new credit impairment and asset impairment was about 12.5636 million yuan. Depreciation and amortization expenses increased by 7.2747 million yuan compared with the same period last year, and the overall cost burden of the company is still heavy. Combined with the above factors, during the reporting period, the company realized the net profit belonging to the shareholders of the listed company-34027624.65 yuan, reducing the loss compared with last year, and realizing the basic earnings per share-0.2783 yuan per share.

spinpugcasino| Huina Technology's 2023 revenue of 376 million yuan, Chairman Zhang Baijun's salary is 981,500 yuan

According to the announcement, the remuneration of directors, supervisors and senior managers totaled 7.8406 million yuan during the reporting period. Chairman Zhang Baijun received a total of 981500 yuan in pre-tax compensation from the company, Sun Weimin, director, general manager and chief financial officer, received a total of 981400 yuan from the company, and Liu Yaotong, secretary of the board of directors, received a total of 741300 yuan from the company.

The disclosure of the announcement shows that the profit distribution plan approved by the board of directors is as follows: based on the total share capital of 121809987 shares on April 23, 2024, excluding 120114387 shares repurchased by the company through centralized bidding transactions, cash dividends of 2.0 yuan (including tax) are distributed to all shareholders, 0 shares (including tax) are given to all shareholders, and 0 shares are transferred to all shareholders with capital accumulation fund.

According to the data of Weibei.com, Huina Technology, as a provider of artificial intelligence and big data application solutions, comprehensively uses artificial intelligence, big data and other technologies to enable offline physical commerce, public service industries and other industries to provide customers with industry digital solutions. at present, it has been laid out to form two major business sectors: commercial services and public services. The main products and services include passenger flow data analysis and remote shop inspection system, data and operation and maintenance services, smart screen management system, big data platform development and digital software and hardware integration.

(: congratulations
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