videopokertrainer| China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation (00386): Nomination of the new leadership team, changes in members of the board of directors and supervisory board

editor editor 2024-05-14 49jili View: 15
摘要: News summary China Petrochemical Corporation (00386) plans to hold the 2023 Annual Shareholders 'Meetingvideopokertraine...

News summary

China Petrochemical Corporation (00386) plans to hold the 2023 Annual Shareholders 'Meetingvideopokertrainer, the election of members of the board of directors and the board of supervisors involved nominations from multiple senior officials, including Ma Yongsheng, Zhong Ren, Zhao Dong, etc.

videopokertrainer| China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation (00386): Nomination of the new leadership team, changes in members of the board of directors and supervisory board

Newsletter text

[China Petrochemical Corporation (00386) announced the holding of its 2023 Annual General Meeting] The election of directors of the company's board of directors and supervisors of the board of supervisors will be conducted through ordinary resolutions. Nominated non-executive directors include Ma Yongsheng and Zhong Ren, while Zhao Dong, Li Yonglin, Lu Lianggong, Niu Shuanwen, Wan Tao and Yu Baocai were nominated as executive directors. In addition, Xu Lin, Zhang Liying, Liao Zibin and Zhang Xiliang were nominated as independent non-executive directors. At the same time, Zhang Shaofeng, Wang An, Dai Liqi, Tan Wenfang, Yang Yanfei and Zhou Meiyun were nominated as external supervisors. The convening of this shareholders 'meeting is of great significance to the optimization of the company's management structure.



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