donkeykongfree| Promote full-process prevention and treatment to create rehabilitation endpoints--Expert symposium on full-process prevention and treatment of scars was held in Beijing

editor editor 2024-05-12 49jili View: 15
摘要: Recently, a symposium of experts on the prevention and treatment of scars was held in Beijing Capital skin Hospital. This meeting conve...

Recently, a symposium of experts on the prevention and treatment of scars was held in Beijing Capital skin Hospital. This meeting converges.DonkeykongfreeExperts from surgery, dermatology, radiotherapy and other fields, such as Beijing Shijitan Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University, Beijing Tsinghua Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Seventh Medical Center of people's Liberation Army General Hospital, Shougang Hospital of Peking University, Beijing Children's Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University, Beijing Youanmen Hospital, etc., to explore the new methods and concepts of scar prevention and treatment.

(photo taken by the participants)

The meeting was chaired by Wu Yong, president of Beijing Capital skin Hospital, and chaired by Professor Sun Yonghua, a famous burn expert and founder of trauma surgery in Jishuitan Hospital.

Professor Sun Yonghua pointed out in the report "Prevention and treatment of post-traumatic scar hyperplasia" that clinicians must pay attention to the troubles caused by postoperative scar hyperplasia to patients, establish the concept of full-process prevention and treatment of post-traumatic scar hyperplasia, and actively study relevant techniques and methods. it is also suggested that some experts in the fields of burn and scald, surgery and dermatology in Beijing should set up a whole-process scar prevention and treatment group. Cooperate with Beijing skin Hospital to carry out the whole process of caring for patients.

(professor Sun Yonghua, a burn expert and founder of trauma surgery in Jishuitan Hospital, delivered a keynote speech.)

The director of the Department of Dermatology, Beijing skin Hospital, introduced the experience of using SRT-100 in the prevention and treatment of scar hyperplasia. Dr. Ban Zhen has more than 20 years of experience in scar treatment and 10 years of experience in the prevention and treatment of scar with SRT-100. Many desperate patients have improved their quality of life and rekindled hopes of recovery after his treatment.

(special report by Dr. Ban Zhenzuo, Deputy Director of Dermatology, Beijing skin Hospital)

Experts at the meeting had an in-depth discussion on establishing a team of scar experts, promoting the research on shallow radiotherapy, and exploring more indications and contraindications. Experts believe that SRT-100 has significant advantages in the prevention and treatment of scar, and more doctors in surgical departments should know about the relevant equipment, treatment methods and efficacy, so as to expand its scope of application. At the same time, we should also take into account patients' concerns about shallow treatment, strengthen popular science publicity and improve patients' confidence in treatment.

Experts at the meeting agreed that attention should be paid to follow-up and effect evaluation to establish a sense of trust among patients. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen the publicity and promotion of the concept of prevention and treatment of scar, so that more people can understand the prevention and treatment of scar.

(professor Sun Yonghua put forward five suggestions for the prevention and treatment of scar in the whole process.)

Finally, Professor Sun Yonghua put forward five suggestions, which were approved and supported by all the experts at the meeting. it includes: establishing an expert team for the prevention and treatment of scars, giving full play to the advantages of Beijing Capital skin Hospital in terms of equipment, promoting the research on superficial radiotherapy, introducing preferential policies to help scar patients, and strengthening the promotion and promotion of superficial treatment.

President Wu Yong said that he will give full play to the role of Beijing skin Hospital as a bridge, serve experts and patients well, thoroughly implement the concept of prevention and treatment of scar, and contribute to the development of scar medicine. (Jianwen)

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donkeykongfree| Promote full-process prevention and treatment to create rehabilitation endpoints--Expert symposium on full-process prevention and treatment of scars was held in Beijing

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