gamealicecrypto| Jardine Jiaye (301367) The number of shareholders on May 10 was 7,600, a decrease of 0.77% from the previous period

editor editor 2024-05-11 49jili View: 22
摘要: News of Securities StarGamealicecryptoJardine recently disclosed that as of May 10, 2024, the number of shareholders of the company is...

News of Securities StarGamealicecryptoJardine recently disclosed that as of May 10, 2024, the number of shareholders of the company is 7647.Gamealicecrypto.0 households, a decrease of 59.0 households, or 0.77%, compared with April 30. The number of shares held per household has increased from 8305.0 shares in the previous period to 8369.0 shares, with a market value of 736700 yuan per household.

Among the individual stocks in the medical device industry, the number of shareholders in Jardine is lower than the industry average, and as of May 10, the average number of shareholders in the medical device industry is 20900. In terms of the market value of per household shareholding, the market value of A-share listed companies in the medical device industry is 522300 yuan, and Jardine is higher than the industry average.

In terms of share prices, the Jardine range fell 2.48% from April 30, 2024 to May 10, 2024, during which the number of shareholder households decreased by 59.0, or 0.77%.

The details of the changes in the number of shareholders of Jardine in the past year are shown in the following table:

gamealicecrypto| Jardine Jiaye (301367) The number of shareholders on May 10 was 7,600, a decrease of 0.77% from the previous period

According to statistics, from April 30, 2024 to May 10, 2024, Jardine saw a net outflow of 4.8006 million yuan of main funds, a net inflow of 1.8501 million yuan of hot capital and a net inflow of 2.9505 million yuan of retail funds.

The above content is sorted out by Securities Star according to public information and generated by algorithm (310104345710301240019). It has nothing to do with the position of this site. If there are any problems with the data, please contact us. This article is for data collation, does not constitute any investment advice for you, investment is risky, please make a careful decision.

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