sharkroulette| Kodi-B: CU-40102(topical finasteride spray) has submitted a new drug marketing application in Hong Kong

editor editor 2024-04-30 49jili View: 23
摘要: Kodi-B (02487) announcedsharkroulette, the group's new drug marketing application (NDA) for CU-40102 (topical finasteride spray) has be...

Kodi-B (02487) announcedsharkroulette, the group's new drug marketing application (NDA) for CU-40102 (topical finasteride spray) has been submitted to the Department of Health of the Government of the Special Administrative Region of China Hong Kong. The indication for CU-40102 is for the treatment of androgenic hair loss.

sharkroulette| Kodi-B: CU-40102(topical finasteride spray) has submitted a new drug marketing application in Hong Kong

CU-40102 is the world's first and only topical finasteride product approved for the treatment of androgenic hair losssharkroulette, is also the first topical finasteride to be accepted by the State Food and Drug Administration of China. The NDA for CU-40102 was accepted by the State Food and Drug Administration in January 2024.

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